Anne Squared

Life filtered through the lens of an INTJ, Mom, and healthcare professional.


Friday Fictioneers: Border-town Inquisition

Friday Fictioneers is a fun challenge to write a 100 word story from a picture prompt. It’s hosted by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. A different picture prompt is provided weekly. Border-town Inquisition The intensity of the needle entering my flesh, followed by the tug of suture material was not the pain I expected; it was a unique form of anesthesia. I was a relieved to have my attention focused on one spot, […]

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Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers – A weekly challenge to write a 100 word story in response to a pictorial prompt. Coveted Coven’s conventions convened with each new moon. Candlelight let members avoid hazards, save one wicked Wiccan who tripped on a cord. MaryPat slapped a hand over Teresa’s mouth to stop The Reverse-Saturation Incantation Teresa hurled in AnnMarie’s direction. “…and ‘witch to battery, ‘tupid!” did no damage, other than fling a little […]

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