Anne Squared

Life filtered through the lens of an INTJ, Mom, and healthcare professional.

How to Identify an INTJ Part 2 (Or, Where are “They” – We – Hiding?)

fancy logo/writing for use in MBTI articles

While my blog is not specifically devoted to the subject of the INTJ personality nor the MBTI, the majority of queries come through from people seeking information on the INTJ personality type. Ironically, a “tongue-in-cheek” picture I posted obtains the most hits: How to Identify an INTJ Female (or A Compliment To INTJ Women). It must be because of the title – so I thought I should flush out the subject since I can’t believe people are looking for that picture or my witty sense of humor.

The picture depicts a woman not typed as the other women in the picture – all of whom are identical. She is also fully clothed and reading a book. She is not overly made-up and you cannot discern her figure. She is attractive.

INTJ women represent less than 1% of the population. While I know more than several INTJ women, I have a few that I consider good friends. They are all extremely intelligent, attractive, very indecisive about clothing, wear minimal makeup, and their figures vary, but all are healthy women. All of us have developed a dress code, if one is not dictated by work, so we don’t have to make the decision of what to wear in the morning. We don’t want to worry or care about it. Make-up is minimal, as is hair care, unless we are going to an “event” – then we make an appointment with a professional. (We know what we know.)

Where are we working?  One is a surgeon, another an OB, 1 in research labs, a computer analyst, and a consultant for medical analytics, and an army reserve pusher-around-person for public health. Those are my personal INTJ female friends. Blog world has brought more to my world and they include writers, doctors who are authors of fiction, military people who push others around…that come to mind off the top of my head. Oh, I am not counting any of my siblings. We’ll leave them for another day.

The men I know that are INTJ’s – 1 is a practicing surgeon in a specialized field, 1 a doctor in a teaching facility, 2 are teaching college, 1 is an Aeronautical Engineer, and the two in their early 20’s, college students, one is going into law, the other engineering. One is my son.

Logically, then, you would find an INTJ women in a field of study that complements her personality. She is intelligent and wants to be able to utilize her skills. Granted, not all of us stick to the script! I deviated from the path and went into pharmaceutical sales in my early twenties. (I would not look there for an INTJ, however – my boss bucked the system at the time, recognizing the value of introverts. He did well as did we. And that is how I ended up in management receiving my first MBTI evaluation, shocking the consultants, because they had never seen “one of you” at the level I was at.) But I watched how people did the work and made some adjustments. Typical INTJ. No sweat! J

However, another INTJ, perhaps an INFP and a few other would have noticed that I:

  • Had outfits perfectly matched (and never deviated from those combinations,) as though the sales person put them together – because she did. I have no interest in that sort of thing but I know what is expected;
  • May have forgotten to put makeup on that day, or perhaps had not finished putting makeup on;
  • May have the same style shoes but one blue and one black – oops;
  • Really struggled to interact with the other reps at the large displays;
  • Never remembered your name;
  • Knew every fact about every product, doctor, nurse, receptionist, cleaning crew, purchasing agent, pharmacist, clerk, tech, elevator operator (except their name) … and hospital – and had no problem sharing it with you when you asked, ironically only about the doctors. I knew I was getting the contract, so why not let you pay for lunch and think you were playing me.

Some people call the INTJ the “Mastermind” but I do not care for that term. The “Scientist” used at is far better, I believe. We are able to see the big picture, love to work with complex theories and abstract material – and create a sense of order from it. (Our minds literally never shut down.)  But I am writing to discuss where you might find an INTJ provided an INTJ is working where she/he is best suited. Here is a list provided by Wayne State College of careers:

Careers INTJs Might Consider

Administrator Manager
Architect Dentist
Computer Programmer News Writer
Electrical/Electronic Technician Pathologist
Environmental Planner Psychiatrist
College Professor Neurologist
Investment/Business Analyst Cardiologist
Biomedical Engineer Pharmacologist
Attorney. Litigator/Commercial Inventor
Management Consultant Strategic Planner
Judge Chemical Engineer
Astronomer Scientific Researcher
Military Officer Auditor
Psychologist Aeronautical Engineer
City Manager Human Resources Manager
Social Scientist Designer
News Analyst Photographer
Design Engineer Computer Systems Analyst
Physical Scientist Life Scientist
Architect Education Consultant
Engineer Mortgage Broker
Writer/Editor Corrections Officer


And keep in mind – we have the ability to develop characteristics on the spectrum opposite of what our letters identify us as – we are not just initials. I “flex” to situations and people, and I am truly an INTJ/INTP – right now I am “stuck” in INTP mode… what I call my “analysis paralysis.”

INTJ’s will not likely be at the bar – if we are, we will be the quiet one with our friends. Or reading a book at the ball game. We love books. Have you looked at the bookstores? We may have a computer with us – that is social time – going to the bookstore or coffee shop with our computer.

Working late? Yes, we probably do.

Do we avoid eye contact when you try to make conversation? Yes? You have an INTJ! (provided all the above criteria, and then some, have been met.)

Congratulations! Now what?

Categories: INTJ and INTP

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25 replies

  1. What does INTJ stand for or mean? Could you explain the initials you use in your blog?

  2. I understand what you have written.

  3. I dunno, I always use a lot of direct eye contact with people….then again it could be a family thing-as we all do it in my household….it makes the “J” part really come out…good to scare innocent FP victims =p!

  4. I took the MBTI as part of a seminar at work (I was a systems analyst/programmer until illness struck) and was the only INTJ in the group. That made so many issues clear for the first time in my life and I no longer felt like a freak among other women. It was hard to find a friend that ‘fit’ and the topics I did enjoy talking about or the types of news I found interesting enough to share put me at odds with the other women at work. I even heard one of them comment, “Doesn’t she ever talk about something normal?” Enough said!

    • Thanks for your comments, Susan. I understand what you are saying. I returned to an office environment after home-officing for most of my career. Not only did the other women not “get it” they were openly hostile. The few that got to know me accepted me for what and who I am – as I accept them for who they are. And it really takes a combination of all types of talents and abilities on a team to succeed on a project.
      The men are a bit more accepting – imo – on the job, because they have a tendency to respect the competence and don’t get petty. I am the first one to laugh at my eccentricities – and admit to a mistake if I make one. (People are not use to that, but to me it is all part of the process of developing a product or project. And being honest.)
      Lol at the “normal” for a conversation – it is a normal conversation – just way above the heads of other people.
      There are a lot of us 🙂 We just need to connect!

  5. I like the bit about always wearing the same outfit- so true! I would’ve done well in a job that requires a uniform.

  6. I have not seen my scores in a few years. Nothing really jumped out as a lead or dominant trait. I think Thinking and Introversion were the leads. I can be introverted in groups but you see I have no problem being extroverted as well. I was pracitically the class clown in HS, love to read, joke, cook, build web sites; creative things. I think I scored high on the Introversion because I had really conservative answers in that group. I’ve taken the test a few times and each time I do get the same score. I am a manager in real life, top of your professional list there. Now, ever read Goldman’s book, Primal Leasership where he adds a second personality test to more help define who we are. Very Interesting! Now what is that INTJ woman question…I’m on a roll 🙂

  7. LOL – The first time I took the Myers-Briggs, I was slated as an “ENFP” – I take it again, periodically, and over the years I, apparently, have transformed – or at least am trying to walk on the other side…LOL
    Latest result was INTJ – but I’m in hermit mode, right now…..LOL

    • Keep in mind things can vary your mindset – I have other brief blogs on that topic. And the online tests are not true MBTI – but “close enough for government work” as my dad would say. If I am in my “supervisor/leader/teacher” mode, I am definitely not an INTJ – I test ENFP, provided I answer strictly thinking in that capacity.
      Also, to what extent this is valid, and I have no intention of doing a literature search or experiment on this (nor should it be construed as a challenge, by any means – and I am totally serious about that – foot stomping down!) but my observation has been that the results can shift also, if the person taking the test has consumed alcohol. I am sure someone – some INTJ – will pick up the ball and check PubMed to see if it has been tested – and if not, write a nice little grant. Make sure your institution’s internal review board approves that study! Just link back to us 🙂 for the idea when you get the funding 🙂
      Public Health – gotta love it 🙂 It fits anywhere….

  8. This INTJ is a meiocure blog writer. 😦

      • Oh sorry, ME I’m the ‘mediocure’ blog writer…thats also an INTJ All I learned from my analysis is that I am good at considering others feelings.

        • lol – I think you have a great blog but how many personalities write for it? Are they all INTJs?
          You could have told me I was the mediocre writer and that would have been fine – I would have expected some input on how to improve things, ya know…
          If you are good at considering others’ feelings, perhaps you are in the middle of the continuum for the T-F. Have you taken a test to score your percentage?

        • Oh, its just the opposite, I tend to ignore other people’s feelings, only realizing them after the fact. But that might be the Myers-Briggs category of MALE in me

        • You also ignore direct questions, 3D.
          I think I will vote for the male – at least in regard to your adhd symptoms, today.
          Seriously, am glad you came by and added to the commentary! I’d ask your opinion about INTJ women, from and INTJ man’s point of view, but you would probably ignore the question. 😉

        • I’m sorry…was there a question in there? 🙂

          I would love to give you my opinion…being MALE. Not sure if I really understand what makes a INTJ woman though. Or any woman? I’ll take another look.


  1. How to Identify an INTJ Female (or A Compliment To INTJ Women) | Anne Squared

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